
sealed class Patch<out T>

A Patch describes the changes made to a List.

Pay attention that the sealed implementations should not be data classes - each generated patch must be applied in every case even though it might "equal" the preceding one. (Imagine deleting the first item of a list at least twice!) Using data classes patches could quite easily become equal and then might be dropped by mountSimple! Thus, it is intentional to implement those as regular classes.



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class Delete<T>(val start: Int, val count: Int = 1) : Patch<T>

A Patch saying, that one or more elements have been deleted

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class Insert<T>(val element: T, val index: Int) : Patch<T>

A Patch saying, that a new element has been inserted

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class InsertMany<T>(val elements: List<T>, val index: Int) : Patch<T>

A Patch saying, that a several element have been inserted

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class Move<T>(val from: Int, val to: Int) : Patch<T>

A Patch saying, that an element has been moved from one position to another. This is only used on mounts with a corresponding IdProvider.


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abstract fun <R> map(parentJob: Job, mapping: (T, Job) -> R): Patch<R>

a convenience-method, to map the values encapsulated in a Patch